VS Code Important Shortcuts

VS Code Important Shortcuts


1. Show command pallete : ctrl+shift+p

2. Quick open, go to file : ctrl + p

3. New window instance : ctrl + shift + N

4. Close window/instance: ctrl + shift + w

5. User settings: ctrl + ,

6. Keyboard ⌨️ shortcuts: ctrl + k + s

Basic Editing:

7. Cut line(without selection): ctrl + x

8. Copy line (without selection): ctrl + c

9. Move line up-down: alt + ⬆️ / alt + ⬇️

10. Copy line up-down: shift + alt + ⬆️ / ⬇️

11. Delete line : ctrl + shift + k

12. Insert line bellow: ctrl + enter

Multi cursor:

13. Insert cursor: alt + click

14. Insert cursor above or bellow: ctrl+alt+⬆️ / ⬇️

15. Undo last cursor operation: ctrl + u

16. Insert cursor at the end of each line selected: ctrl + shift + i

17. Select current line: ctrl + l


18. Show all symbols: ctrl + t

19. Go to line(by number) : ctrl + g

20. Go to symbol: ctrl + shift + o

21. Show problem's pannel: ctrl + shift+ m

22. Go to next error or warning: f8

23. Go to previous error or warning : shift + f8

Editor Management:

24. Close editor: ctrl + w

25. Close folder ???? : ctrl + k + f

26. Split editor ???? : ctrl +

27. Focus on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd editor group: ctrl + 1 / 2 / 3

28. Focus on previous or next editor group: ctrl + k + ▶️ / ◀️

29. Move editor left or right: ctrl + pgUp / pgDown

File Management:

30. New file ????️ : ctrl + n

31. Open file ????️ : ctrl + o

32. Save file : ctrl + s

33. Save as : ctrl + shift + s

34. Save all : ctrl + k + s

35. Re-open closed editor: ctrl + shift + t


36. Toggle full screen : f11

37. Toggle editor layout (horizontal/vertical): ctrl + shift + 0

38. Zoom in/out: ctrl+(+/-)

39. Toggle sidebar visibility: ctrl + b

40. Show explorer / toggle visibility: ctrl + shift + e

41. Show search ????(global search) : ctrl + shift + f


42. Toggle break point: f9

43. Start/continue : f5

44. Step into / out : shift + f11

45. Step over: f10

46. Stop: f10

47. Show hover: ctrl + k / ctrl+ i